Workers at the plywood plant are now eligible for 24 months of retraining, job search, and unemployment assistance, Baucus said.
'On behalf of my members of local 3038 we'd like to sincerely thank Senator Baucus for all his help standing up for these workers,' said Michael Woodworth the United Brotherhood of Carpenters.
Baucus helped craft the program -- known as Trade Adjustment Assistance -- that provides dollars for retraining and other measures to help people get back on their feet after being laid off as a result of international trade. In the Trade Act of 2002, Baucus spearheaded the most comprehensive expansion and overhaul of the TAA program since 1974. He is the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate's Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over international trade policy.
Baucus has also consistently fought against the flow of subsidized softwood Canadian lumber, which is thought to have forced the expected Oct. 3 layoffs at Stimson. He introduced legislation in July to expand the TAA program to cover even more displaced workers.
blog note: "Pot calls kettle black, Baucus subsidizes good old boys" - more reasons for Canadian Autonomy. So NAFTA rules there is no subsidy on Canadian lumber, yet Baucus crows about scamming more pork barrel subsidies for the hometown crowd, who happen to be Carpenters Union members, whose international president "Cash" McCarron is signatory to the Softwood Tariff fiasco in the first place, which has laid off thousands of union workers in Canada, some of them Carpenters Union members.