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    this weblog is the work of dave livingston, a union carpenter in nelson bc canada

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    Political Site of the Day
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    "Senators Push Legislation to Toughen OSHA Penalties"
    Workers Comp Insider
    Human Fall Traps
    Workers Comp Insider
    "May is labor history month"
    Workers Comp Insider
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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 ::

    Workplace Violence - Raising the issue and spotting the red flags - Lucy Webb, Washington Business Journal
    Keep your eyes open for those who:

    * have a history of violence
    * are considered loners
    * experience rapid weight gain or loss
    * show sudden deterioration in productivity and performance
    * become accident prone and reckless
    * exhibit poor hygiene
    * sabotage property
    * have attendance problems: sickness, tardiness, leaving early
    * exhibit high stress levels, crying, death of family, divorce, financial problems, excessive personal calls
    * constantly make slighting references to others
    * spread rumors and gossip
    * consider themselves to be superior
    * are never happy with what is going on
    * need to constantly force their opinion on others
    * have a compulsive need to control others
    * think that other employees are out to get them
    * are essentially paranoid
    * are consistently unreasonable and argumentative and refuse to cooperate
    * make others feel uneasy
    * are belligerent toward customers and clients
    * refuse to obey policies
    * think there is a conspiracy to all functions of society
    * own firearms and have interests in military, law enforcement or underground military groups
    * don't take responsibility for any of their behaviors or faults or mistakes; it's always someone else's fault
    * take legal action against the company, constantly filing one grievance after another
    * blow everything out of proportion
    * have hate and anger issues on and off the job, whether they're with co-workers, family, friends or the government
    * applaud certain violent acts portrayed in the media such as racial incidents, domestic violence, shooting sprees, executions
    * make statements like "he will get his" or "what goes around comes around" or "one of these days I'll have my say"
    * suddenly stop making any kind of disparaging statements or behaviors and become introverted
    * pay attention to the details, but lack people skills
    * sexually harass others
    * have had trouble with the law, even just a minor incident
    * are addicted to alcohol, prescription or street drugs
    * are romance-obsessed
    * have drastic changes in belief systems
    * express feelings of hopelessness
    * display violence towards inanimate objects.
  • posted 7:55 AM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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