CTW’s Ambitious ‘Make Work Pay!’ Drive Provides a Challenge to AFL-CIO Leaders - LaborTalk By Harry Kelber
The AFL-CIO is expected to repeat its “7 Days in June” campaign, that will “shine a spotlight” on anti-union employers who use threats and discharges to deprive their workers of the right to join a union.
For seven days, dozens of central labor councils and local unions, joined by community and religious leaders, will use forums, rallies, marches, picket lines and candle vigils to make the public, especially politicians aware of the injustice to America’s workers.
The Sweeney team has been conducting the same June ritual since 1999, with decreasing effectiveness. What’s the point of continuing the same theme? And how can telling unorganized workers the many ways their boss can intimidate them make them more interested in joining a union?