AFL-CIO launches Spanish-language website - Miami Herald, FL
The AFL-CIO has launched a Spanish-language version of its website, just as the labor organization begins gearing up for midterm elections.
The site includes Spanish versions of the labor group's publications on worker rights, including wage, health and worker safety issues, as well as information on union organizing, politics and the economy, the AFL-CIO said Monday.
Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnic group in the country, with at least 40 million people currently in the United States, according to recent estimates.
The AFL-CIO says its English-language blog and website draws about 400,000 visitors a month. The Spanish version can be reached at En Español
AFL-CIO Establece Sociedad con la Red Nacional de Organización de los Jornaleros (NDLON).
La AFL-CIO y NDLON, la más Grande Organización de Centros de Trabajadores, Entran en un Trascendente Acuerdo para Mejorar las Condiciones de las Familias Trabajadoras