:: Sunday, September 10, 2006 ::
Ghosts and Rust / Does Hayfork deserve to be saved? - By Glen Martin, San Francisco Chronicle In the late 1990s, the incipient social decay was palpable; today, it is triumphant. East of town, a log house I built with my first wife is in complete disrepair. Junked cars and trucks slowly decompose to their essential elements in the fields we once planted to oats and vetch. Some of the small, fastidiously maintained homes formerly owned by loggers and millworkers now appear inhabited by meth freaks, with garbage piled in windrows in the front yards. Others are abandoned, sheltering only bats, wood rats, rattlesnakes and skunks. The population is aging; the young flee as soon as they can. There is nothing here for them.
posted 8:34 AM :: reference link ::