CWA Plans to Create ‘Stewards Army’ to Conduct Fight for Worker Rights - LaborTalk, By Harry Kelber
Larry Cohen, president of the Communications Workers of America, has announced that his union will create a “Stewards Army” to “strengthen workers’ bargaining and organizing rights and advocate for our other major goals‹jobs, health care and retirement security.”
Cohen spoke about his plans to build the new army: “Our initial goal is to recruit 25,000 activists into the Stewards Army by July 2007, and then build our ranks to 50,000 by 2009. We will develop a special education and training program for those who sign up and we hope other unions would do likewise.”
As Cohen sees it, the Stewards Army will be on the front lines of every CWA effort, helping support strategic organizing and contract campaigns, and building political support for regaining workers’ rights. He brought up the proposal at the Dec. 8-9 AFL-CIO Organizing Summit, where it received a favorable response from the 650 organizers and labor activists representing more than 30 international unions.