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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Saturday, September 18, 2004 ::

    Here is a letter that CWA's editor refused to print.
    To ILCA Editors:
    Here is a letter that CWA's editor refused to print.
    If you received such a letter from one of your members, would you print it?

    Dear Editor:

    I was expelled from the CWA without ever having an opportunity to face my accuser so I could defend myself. The reason for my expulsion from my local union, where I had been a member for close to twenty years, was that I was four months behind in my dues payments. When I offered to pay the back dues plus a fine as penalty, the local officers refused. They further outlined a set of conditions that would make it impossible to apply for reinstatement. Or even come back as a retired member.

    I only heard about my expulsion from a local union employee when I called to pay my back dues. I was never given the right to appear before a local trial board to defend myself. The secretary-treasurer of the local said he had no obligation to inform me about the lapse in dues payments before expelling me. In actual fact, the action to expel me violated the CWA Constitution which clearly states that members must be given notice in writing before any action is taken to penalize a member.

    Although I requested it, I never was allowed to appear before the CWA Executive Board or the CWA Appeals Board or the CWA Convention, all of them listening to my accusers and agreeing with them to expel me, without ever letting me tell my side of the story.

    The ostensible reason for my expulsion was that I had not paid dues for 29 months (after my expulsion!). I heard that many laudatory things were said about me and my contributions to the labor movement at the convention, before they voted before they voted to expel me, illegally, on a technical offense that I had proposed to remedy.

    A basic principle of our American system of justice is that the accused has the right to face his accusers. It applies to everyone, including people who have been charged with the vilest of crimes. I was denied that right. Meanwhile, whatever my accusers said was taken as gospel truth in the decision to uphold my expulsion.

    I have no intention of continuing the fight against my expulsion. I do not want to be a cause celebre. All I want is the right to use the letters column of the union publication to tell my side of the story. Will you publish this letter? Please let me know.

    Harry Kelber

    Communications Workers of America website
  • posted 4:25 PM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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