Hurricane Warnings by Charles Miller, Fine Homebuilding
Sudden collapse occurs when the shell of the house is breached instantaneously. For example, a garage door facing the wind blows in, and the full force of the gale hits the interior. The wind has to go somewhere, and it may blow out windows, doors, walls or the roof. A smaller breach, like a roof tile bursting through a window, can have the same effect.
Unless they were pelted with an unusual barrage of flying wreckage, the houses built during the 50s and the 60s held up well. These homes have a lot in common with most of the houses built across the country at that time. They're onestory ranch houses but with some touches that make them unmistakably southern. Some go off in a Spanish direction, with terra-cotta tile details and curving archways. Others get modern, with goofy cast-concrete screens that resemble big slices of swiss cheese worked into the walls of the open-air garages.