What Will Make Unions a Power in Politics? Labor Notes - Editorial
The presidents of the unions making up the New Unity Partnership (SEIU, UNITE HERE, the Laborers, and the Carpenters) have proposed consolidating the AFL-CIO’s 65 unions along sectoral lines, creating 15 industrial unions. SEIU President Andy Stern has threatened to pull his union out of the federation if the NUP’s proposals are not enacted.
Other union leaders, such as Machinists President Thomas Buffenbarger, have chafed at what they describe as the NUP leaders’ arrogance, and the Machinists have threatened to leave the AFL-CIO rather than be forced to follow the NUP’s lead.
Whatever comes of the NUP’s proposals, top-down restructuring schemes will not help bridge the political gap between union leaders and many rank and filers that was highlighted by this year’s election. When members see union leaders as their employer’s partners or counterparts, they’re unlikely to follow those same leaders in a fight against the bosses.