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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Thursday, February 09, 2006 ::

    Family of B.C. gas bar attendant killed after gas-dash call for action - By CAMILLE BAINS, Macleans.ca
    Jim Sinclair, president of the federation, called on WorkSafe B.C. - formerly the Workers Compensation Board - to crack down on employers who fail to protect night-shift workers alone on the job in gas stations and convenience stores.

    Sinclair said an informal survey by the federation of 12 gas stations in the Vancouver area showed that all but one appeared to have implemented a working-alone policy.

    He called on the provincial Liberal government and WorkSafe B.C. to ensure that within 30 days, businesses who don't register their plans for worker safety be shut down for late-night operations.

    Sinclair said employees working in 24-hour gas stations and convenience stores often don't know their rights, earn minimum wage, aren't part of a union and are typically new to the workforce.
  • posted 7:26 AM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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