WorkSafeBC launches graphic safety campaign -
Blood and guts help bring home message to young workers.

WorkSafeBC's new Demand Safety campaign, aimed at young workers, is graphic, shocking, and sure to attract attention. And that's exactly the point.
“What young workers told us in focus groups is that they want to see consequences,” says Scott McCloy, WorkSafeBC's director of communications. “They want to understand what can happen to them in a workplace. They want to be shocked.”
Radios ads, posters, and a web site
The Demand Safety campaign has three thrusts: radio ads; posters in bars, restaurants, and at construction sites; and an interactive web site,
Warning Please be aware that the radio ads, posters, and web site are graphic and disturbing. The posters and the web site show dismembered body parts and the radio ads are gruesome. Viewer discretion is advised.
Safety at work - Resources for Young Workers - WorkSafeBC