Change at CDC Draws Protest By Rick Weiss, Washington Post
NIOSH scientists -- including those working at its research sites in Morgantown, W.Va.; Pittsburgh; Cincinnati; Atlanta; and Spokane, Wash. -- have conducted and compiled much of the science that has clarified the risks of indoor air pollution, occupational stress, workplace chemical exposures and other dangers. The institute also funds hundreds of independent researchers through its grant program.
Each day, an estimated 9,000 U.S. workers sustain disabling injuries on the job, 16 die of work-related injuries and 137 die of work-related diseases, resulting in tens of billions of dollars in direct costs and hundreds of billions in indirect costs, according to government statistics.
Yet NIOSH has often struggled to ensure its independence and at times its survival -- as in the mid-1990s, when the Republican House tried to kill it. Some corporate interests chafe at NIOSH's right to enter workplaces without a warrant when called in by employees to investigate safety issues.